for the aspiring food lover , party planner, crafter and whipple enthusiast

Monday, June 1, 2009


I have never been much of a gardener! I have tried for years without much success.
this is my garden in 2007

This year I decided to really do it up right 
Niels and Ben built me two 5ft X 17ft long raised garden beds

they put pavers around the whole things  and it is just right for me to set on the edge and take care of it. No more killing my knees and back.

We filled it up with some really great soil!

Then we planted
Here is our first little seedlings
This was about 2 weeks ago, everything is growing and really looking good
Much thanks to the boys, they have really helped keep it watered and weeded. Ben calls it his garden and in truth it really is.
We are trying to go totally organic, no pesticides, so we have released over a thousand lady bugs, planted garlic, onion and marigolds and hatched Praying Mantis.

Here's what we got going on










We also have PEPPERS and RADISHES, 
I have loved watching it grow and it is really starting to produce!
Garden 2009


Beka said...

WOW! look at your amazing garden grow! i love it, i'm jealous! one day...:)

amelia said...

I am jealous! It really has started to produce! We've had our garden plenty for nearly two months and still only have a few herbs...nothing else is growing well.

Lauri said...

I'm so glad I live close by and can reap the benefits of a sister-in-law who knows how to garden. Ummmmmm Delicious!

Curtis Whipple said...

That would explain why I was unable to purchase any Ladybugs this week- they are all at your house! The aphids that are attacking my artichokes!

Lori said...

Wow! Way to go. We have had our garden planted for a couple of weeks now. Too soon for this kind of results. IT LOOKS FABULOUS!! Enjoy all those fresh veggies!

Megan said...

Beautiful and delicious!

Nanna said...

Now that's a garden, looks like you'll have everything you'll need!! Nothing like fresh


bonnie said...

way to go!! your garden looks fab! You will love having all of those fresh veggies. I wish our garden looked like that. We still have little baby plants. Hope all is going good for you guys we love ya. Bonnie

Miss Piton said...

You know what's cute? I always thought it was so sweet everytime (all three times) I was there the boys were watering and helping with the garden. I had no idea they helped build the thing...that took A LOT of work! Dang!